Monday, January 29, 2007

...and by 'screwed', we mean you're fucked

There was a security breach of a computer or two over at TJX company, who owns TJMaxx and Marshall's, among some other stores.

If you shop there, your credit card info might be in the hands of 'black hats' now.

The breach happened sometime in May, but wasn't discovered until December.

But, hey. Don't despair. According to the spin applied by TJX, all is probably well.

"(company spinmeister Debra) McConnell did not provide details on the scope of the breach but reiterated the company's earlier statement that credit and debit card information belonging to "a limited number" of individuals had been stolen from the compromised system. "And by 'limited' we mean substantially less than millions," she said.

I feel better already.

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