Monday, December 11, 2006

LA LA recap

We spent a nice little weekend at dad-in-law's place in L.A. He and his wife cooed over the baby. His ex-wife cooed over the baby. His other ex-wife cooed over the baby. His house ranneth over with exes. He took it well. He's a good guy.

The ride back was beautiful. A little gray in the San Fernando Valley, then the sun burst out to light up the snow dusting the Grapevine.

After that it was the typical run up I-5 through the San Joaquin. We passed through several bands of rain. One made a spectacular rainbow that came down right on top of a hill. Ma and I turned blue trying to get the girl to look... she was too busy checking out high-tension line towers.

To her, though, that was some cool stuff. I gather that they use their 'cloud hands' to hold up the sky. That's why there's so many of them, it's a big sky. I just love that kid.

I'll never look at a power tower the same way again.

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