Monday, January 01, 2007

Bowl heartburn

I only feel partly bad that the Razorbacks lost the Citrus, Capital One, What's in Your Wallet Bowl. I didn't expect them to win, with such drama suffusing through the program. Book exposes, prima donna frosh, lunatic mommies... it doesn't bode well for a team's focus. Oh well. Better luck next year, Mitch.

I did feel good that I gave my father-in-law a winning pick. Georgia Tech beat the spread against West Virginia in... some other bowl.

I think, though, that he parlayed that with a bet on Michigan in the Rose Bowl. Crap.

Ah, well. A few more college games to go, then it's NFL playoff time.


Anonymous said...

Are you still out there somewhere? Just wondering if all was ok, since we haven't heard from you on here in awhile.

aksooted said...

Yes, thanks, just a time squeeze this month. Should be back to ranting soon.... :)