Thursday, March 10, 2005

It's Official... I'm a Fan

I had said before in a previous blog incarnation, I really detested the Wesley Crusher character in TNG Star Trek. I mean, lots of us did, no secret there.

Nuttin' personal against Wil Wheaton, who did a helluva job in Stand By Me and so on.

And, I really don't care for greasy fan boy type stuff. Even though I am a geek. So my better half tells me.

But I do count Wil's blog among my guilty pleasures, and I had been looking forward to his return to the tube tonight on CSI. I had read his entries regarding being cast, and his experiences on the set. Part of what I like about Wil's blog efforts is that he's straight up. Even if it might be a bit uncomfortable. And, as he put it, he was so happy to be on the show, he almost pissed himself.

As the show went on, I wondered if they had bumped his episode, until they mentioned "homeless guy". And there I was, smiling! Holy cripes.

A small part, very very well done. As a guest player, he was overshadowed timewise by one of the Baldwins, but Wil kicked Baldwin ass.

I really hope this will lead to bigger and better things for him. The guy can act. Nice damn job, Wil.

Monday, March 07, 2005

245 hands into the great '$25 free money 300 raked hands time-waster of the week' exercise, I crash and burn, my two pair victim of a set.

Yes, I really do want to stand up and leave the table, fuck you. I'm supposed to be studying, anyway.

Don't Blow it Now

Only sixty more raked hands of short handed $25 no limit hold'em to play until I work off my free $25 bonus. If you have pocket aces, son, and it's clear that your opponent has sucked into his flush at the river, throw them away.

How long, O Lord, will it take the boy to learn?

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Star, DeBarge

A day without Fark is like a day without sunshine. Those Farkers do the annoying task of reading the news for you, then send the good stuff to Drew and he posts it up.

Today's best bit is a little story about how PETA has hired a large drag queen for their latest ad campaign, and how Star is testy enough about it to sue them.

Curiosity consuming me, I had to go out and see what the difference was.

Heh. Heh. If you can tell which is whom, you're better than I.